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overzicht 4 specialiteiten

Our Specialty - 4 Assistances

1. Assistance with  Asylum, Dublin and Regularization procedures

Processing asylum applications (Geneva Convention): Recognition of refugee status or granting of the subsidiary protection status for persons, who apply for international protection are often unfamiliar with the criteria for being recognized as refugees and the legal system into which they have ended up.


The increased complexity of the asylum procedure in Europe means that incorrect advice and information can quickly lead to an incorrect decision, which can have serious consequences for applicants.


Since there is so much at stake in an asylum procedure (application for international protection), it is important that you obtain rapid access to high-quality legal assistance, through personal support (during the personal interview at the CGRS*) with formulating and following up on your request.

And this is always in a language that you understand.

* CGRS -Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons


More information can be found at  in 9 languages (Dutch, French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Pashto, Farsi, Tigrinya and Somali).

See video:


Information brochures can also be found on the website of the CGRS:


There may also be people who fall under the Dublin procedure because they can be found in the EURODAC or BELVIS system in another European Member State.


We assist you during this procedure by holding consultations with interpreters, by collecting documents, by answering your questions, and by verifying (warning for) the information you receive from their behalf, and by filing a possible appeal if we see a chance of success,...  


There are also information brochures regarding Dublin on the site of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen:


Starting regularization procedures (Article 9bis or 9ter of the Aliens Law for humanitarian or medical reasons)

This application for authorization to stay pursuant to Article 9bis of the Aliens Law must be substantiated in detail and must state both the extraordinary circumstances that make it impossible or particularly difficult to submit the application abroad, and the circumstances related to reasons for obtaining substantive residence in Belgium.


The better the foreign national motivates the application, the more extensively the Immigration Office will have to motivate a possible refusal.


Article 9ter of the Aliens Law is a special clause that applies to a seriously ill alien, i.e. someone who suffers from an illness in such a way that this illness poses a real risk to his life or physical integrity or entails a real risk of an inhuman or degrading treatment when there is no adequate treatment in his country of origin or the country where he resides.

bijstand asiel

2. Assistance with Family Reunification

Family reunification is an important step to return to a normal life, often essential for a successful integration.


It is very often the priority wish of beneficiaries of international protection.

Today, however, there are still many obstacles in terms of economic and social conditions, as well as the cost of the procedure.


We verify the necessary documents, see which ones are missing, where you have to submit them and how the process goes.​

anchor gezinshereniging

Watch our video on family reunification:

3. Assistance during residence as a Student

  • as an EU-student


  • as a third-country student (non-EU)


If you come to Belgium to study, you can apply for a residence permit.

The conditions, the procedure and the right of residence are different for Union citizens and third-country students (from outside the EU).


This also applies to the applicable conditions for being allowed to work during your studies.


With regard to earlier rejections, we will advise you in the event of a new application whether an appeal makes sense or not. 


It is also interesting to know that one can always make a change of status to "a student" if you are authorized to stay here for more than three months, provided that this change takes place during the legal stay. 

Anchor Student
juridische helpdesk

4. Legal Helpdesk

  • Assistance for individuals

  • Assistance in the private sector

  • Assistance for foreign companies (Single Permit)

  • Assistance in the public sector


Due to the savings on legal services at various public and private actors such as the municipal and urban services, the VDAB, the CPAS, the CAWs, the civil society organisations, and especially the voluntarily unpaid professionals from civil organizations and self-organisations, we see in practice that many remain with unanswered questions.


That is why our office also offers added value for these organizations.

The Aliens Act is endlessly complicated and largely illegible, with incomplete legal certainty for the foreigner.


You can count on expert and honest advice, we only start a procedure if we see the possibility of a positive outcome.


See also the video of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen:

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